Tips on Protecting your Dog this Winter

It’s Snow Time

The bitter winter months are here. We love our dogs like family, so they should be treated as such. If you can’t bring your dog inside, here are some tips on keeping them safe outside.


Shelter is probably one of the most important factors. You wouldn’t want to sleep on the wet cold ground, plus that increases the risk of frostbite and even hypothermia. Shelters should be big enough for the dog to walk around but small enough to keep warm. Make sure that there are no drafts in your shelter. Straw and even a bed inside and your dog would be happy and warm!


Food and water should be available outside for your companion. During the cold months, your dog will use more energy to keep warm which means they need more food! Also, check the water bowl that is outside to make sure it’s full and not frozen.


If you see something, say something! Before reporting the incident, talk to the owner. Some don’t know the dangers of leaving their animal outside without the proper arrangements. Contact your local animal shelter for more information.

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